Page history
16 April 2019
#REDIRECT How to protect yourself and others from covert modeling#How to protect judiciaries from covert modeling
rm duplication of content + improve wordings + bolding
deniability -> what should be deemed deniable
rm headings in preparation for a move to How to protect yourself and others from covert modeling
6 April 2019
lang fix
+ starting on intro: Digital look-alikes and digital sound-alikes prompt some changes to w:rules of evidence and updates to deniability.
+ = Deniability of still pictures and video by living people = + == Proving denied images and videos ==
4 April 2019
+ == Proving denied audio recordings == + If '''media forensics''' proves beyond suspicion the genuinity of the media in question or if credible witness to its creation is found...
= Deniability of audio recordings by living people = Recordings that look like people and recordings of that sounds like someone saying something may not be genuine and therefore the suspect should be allowed to state to the court "I did never say that th