User:Juho Kunsola/log/2023

< User:Juho Kunsola
Revision as of 13:11, 10 July 2023 by Juho Kunsola (talk | contribs) (→‎July: + Backups were made and verified and a snapshot was taken.)

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  • For Wordpress moving away from Polylang to automatic translation with GTranslate. Whether GTranslate would play along nicely with WP Wiki Tooltip and RDP Wiki Embed remains to be discovered. Maybe set up a staging Wordpress just to test this out. There is an another Wordpress translator plugin called 'Google Language Translator' with very high reviews, but it has been purchased by the company behind Gtranslate, and remains to see if the plan to phase out that.



Saturday 2023-07-01

Making and verifying backups in preparation for upgrade. Naturally also going to take a snapshot of the system disk.

Upgraded the wikis to MediaWiki version 1.39.4 and all seems to be working ok. Backups were made and verified and a snapshot was taken.


Sunday 2023-06-25

Made and verified backups.


Saturday 2023-05-27

Made and verified backups.

Sunday 2023-05-07

Made and verified backups.

Monday 2023-05-01

Made and verified backups.


Sunday 2023-04-23

Made and verified backups

Wednesday 2023-04-05

Made and verified backups, upgraded extensions and skins and switched default skin to mw:Skin:Vector/2022. Making backups and snapshotting the disk.


Thursday 2023-02-23

Made and verified backups and took a snapshot. Going to upgrade to 1.39.2

Tuesday 2023-02-07

Made and verified backups and took a snapshot.

Serious progress in opposing synthetic filth as the Finnish Criminal Code was improved to provide protection against naked appearance approximation look-alike synthesis attacks. The new law on sexual offenses, now collected into chapter 20 of the Criminal Code, extended the protection against synthesized look-alike pornography attacks from minors to adults also and came to effect on Sunday 2023-01-01. Earlier on the prohibition of distribution and possession of synthetic child sexual abuse material (CSAM) took effect in Finland on Wednesday 2011-06-01. See ssfwiki:Suomen seksuaalirikoslaki 2023 in Finnish with a small summary of the new law in English at the end of the article.


Saturday 2023-01-21

Making and verifying backups and making an interim snapshot

Backups made, verified and stashed and took a snapshot

Wiki log for 2022