Marketing against synthetic filth

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Marketing materials of SSFWIKI against synthetic filth.

Contacted some churches with mail campaign August-October 2020

For contact information for some churches see Bibles and churches#Contact information for churches.

For contact information for organizations against synthetic human-like fakes see Organizations, studies and events against synthetic human-like fakes#Contact information.

Postcard in English[edit | edit source]

Stop synthetic filth! wiki A6 postcards in English

Postcard in Finnish[edit | edit source]

Stop synthetic filth! wiki A6 postcards in Finnish

Multi-lingual card[edit | edit source]

Stop synthetic filth! wiki business card form factor multilingual cards (English, Finnish, Swedish, French, Estonian and Russian) and invitation in Finnish. "Become aware and thus help in the struggle against the beasts of the Book of Revelation"

Social media and other ways to get in contact[edit | edit source]

If you would like to receive a card, drop me a line with one of the above methods.

2020 mailing campaign to all Finnish parlamentarians[edit | edit source]

P is for Parliament. A stairwell in the w:Eduskuntatalo (Parliament of Finland).
w:Parliament House, Helsinki detail imaged by Suyash Dwivedi used under CC-BY-SA 4.0

In September 2020 I mailed cards to three parties outside of the parliament and to all 200 parlamentarians in the 2019-2023 session of the Finnish parliament, when the w:Marin Cabinet was the government in Finland.

Outside of parliament 2019-2023

In Opposition 2019-2023

In Government 2019-2023

Contacted[edit | edit source]

  1. Sent a card and some other cards on 2020-09-10 to chairperson Petrus Pennanen of the Avoin puolue
  2. Sent a card to 2020-09-10 w:fi:Kommunistinen Työväenpuolue – Rauhan ja Sosialismin puolesta
  3. Sent a card to 2020-09-10 w:fi:Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue
  4. Sent a card to 2020-09-16 to each parliamentarian of the w:fi:Kansallinen Kokoomus party.
  5. Sent a card to 2020-09-16 to each parliamentarian of the w:fi:Perussuomalaiset party.
  6. Sent a card to 2020-09-10 to each parliamentarian of the w:fi:Suomen Kristillisdemokraatit party
  7. Sent a card to 2020-09-16 to each parliamentarian of the w:fi:Liike Nyt party.
  8. Sent a card to 2020-09-16 the parliamentarian of the w:fi:Eduskuntaryhmä Ano Turtiainen parliamentary group
  9. Sent a card to 2020-09-16 to each parliamentarian of the w:fi:Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue party.
  10. Sent a card to 2020-09-16 to each parliamentarian of the w:fi:Suomen Keskusta party.
  11. Sent a card to 2020-09-16 to each parliamentarian of the w:fi:Vihreä liitto party.
  12. Sent a card to 2020-09-16 to each parliamentarian of the w:fi:Vasemmistoliitto kansanedustajalle
  13. Sent a card to 2020-09-16 to each parliamentarian of the w:fi:Suomen ruotsalainen kansanpuolue party.