New profile picture, letter F overlaid with the "ban" symbol Source: Machine generated with DALL-E with free credits provided by Microsoft (Designer) and added the "ban"-symbol with Inkscape.
Suomen rikoslaki 17 luku - Rikoksista yleistä järjestystä vastaan § 18 - Sukupuolisiveellisyyttä loukkaavan kuvan levittäminen Source: Finnish Criminal Code at No intention to rip off anyone's copyrights, screenshots just for reader and editor convenience
Suomen rikoslaki - Luku 20 - Seksuaalirikoksista 21 § Lasta seksuaalisesti esittävän kuvan hallussapito Source: Finnish Criminal Code at No intention to rip off anyone's copyrights, screenshots just for reader and editor convenience
Suomen rikoslaki - Luku 20 - Seksuaalirikoksista 20 § Törkeä lasta seksuaalisesti esittävän kuvan levittäminen No intention to rip off anyone's copyrights, screenshots just for reader and editor convenience
Suomen rikoslaki - Luku 20 - Seksuaalirikoksista 19 § Lasta seksuaalisesti esittävän kuvan levittäminen No intention to rip off anyone's copyrights, screenshots just for reader and editor convenience
Suomen rikoslaki - Luku 20 - Seksuaalirikoksista 7 § Seksuaalisen kuvan luvaton levittäminen No intention to rip off anyone's copyrights, screenshots just for reader and editor convenience
This is a poster for w:The Matrix Resurrections. The poster art copyright is believed to belong to the distributor of the film, w:Warner Bros. Pictures, the publisher of the film or the graphic artist. Source Downloaded from the English Wikipedia, the original can be be found at the following website:
Screenshot at 191s of YouTube demonstrating Channel 4 thieving the appearance of Queen. Originally aired on Channel 4 on 25 December at 15:25 GMT.
Screenshot of the service description at service is, as of Dec 2021, at least for the time being closed down.